Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My First Dive into the Ocean of My Dreams

On this 23rd of Oct, I turned 23 years old (Alhamdulilliah). It feels like my life has entered a whole new phase. Things are more serious now. Usually, your first ever full-time job makes you feel really 'grown up'. Initially, this feeling used to make me feel weird and nauseated. It seemed that lots of fears, tensions and stresses would erupt out of the volcano inside me. But as I took my first step towards my destination, this 'haunting professional life' became the REAL blessing for me. Satisfaction!
I have been living a life of dreams and the thirst to fulfill them since I was quite young. How am I supposed to fulfill them without hardships? I know I had to struggle hard to breathe during my first dive into the ocean of my dreams, but, the sight of my lil wishes being accomplished was quite enough to forget all the pains! All the whining turned into the words of gratefulness. Happiness!
I just need to enjoy every phase of life! What has passed, is past! I can row through the rest of the life riding the boat of sweet-past-memories. My dreams are my kids and I can not abandon them at any cost. I want to see how far I can go to bring them up. Determination!